Berger co-presidents and CEOs honored among women-owned businesses

Valérie and Mélissa Berger are once again recognized in the awards for women's companies.

Berger saw the names of its co-presidents and CEOs among the winners of the last Palmarès des entreprises au féminin (top women-owned businesses in Quebec) This ranking aims to promote women entrepreneurs who head large companies and who contribute to the growth of the Quebec economy, among other things through their female leadership.

On Monday, Jan. 23, the magazine Premières en affaires unveiled the big winners of the fourth edition of its famous awards, among whom were Valérie and Mélissa Berger.

“We’re very happy to see our company rewarded in this way”, stated Valérie Berger, co-president and CEO of Berger. “It’s even more of an honour for us to find ourselves in the company of all these other exceptional businesswomen.”

“It’s a real privilege for us not only to manage an innovative company such as Berger, but also to be able to do it on a daily basis with motivated people who have the company's success at heart. We want to be actively involved in the socio-economic development of the communities where we do business,” says Mélissa Berger, co-president and CEO of Berger. “We accept this distinction with great humility, especially since it coincides with Berger’s 60th birthday.”

Presented by the Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québec, the awards are produced in collaboration with the Scotiabank Women's Initiative, the BDC, Sun Life and the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, with the support of the Quebec CPA Order, EY and the participation of the Réseau des Femmes d'affaires du Québec et de Léger [Quebec Business Women's Network and Léger].

The awards can be consulted in their entirety at: